
Start the new year off right! Sign up for Kim Sutton’s exciting math workshops! (Click here)

Workstations that Create a Mathematical Mindset

Maximize Math Minutes & Differentiate

Elementary math teachers are being asked to create a learning environment that encourages a strong mathematical mindset. Kim Sutton will share how to create math workstations that do just that. You will leave with a grade appropriate set of number sense workstations that can be used next week in your elementary classroom! Kim’s classes are content intensive, motivational and extremely practical. This class will delve into how to manage workstations so that they are powerful for students instead of exhausting the teacher. She will share her powerful balanced diet for management of activity-based mathematics. Kim will share how she designs workstations for maximum participation and mathematical focus as she matches an introductory lesson in mathematics to workstation practice. The workstations that each participant will receive are designed for developing strong number sense and creating student independence. Participants will feel the mathematical intensity and experience the motivation behind every task. You will learn how workstations reinforce and enhance math instruction for both state and common core standards. Kim’s classes are always practical, fast-paced and fun. Participants will be challenged with workstation games and activities for subitizing, place value, basic fact strategies, fractions and improving working memory! Kim brings more than 40 years of experience as an educator in elementary education and every teacher who attends will have a newfound understanding and comfort with current content along with everything necessary to make workstations happen in the elementary classroom. Participants will watch Kim as she teaches with the same joy and passion as she uses with her students – learn from a master educator. Teachers who attend classes with Kim receive great ideas and games they can use the next day, and skills for improved teaching methods. Teachers take all this back to the classroom and implement the ideas immediately! Participants should get to class early, as there will be make it tasks to do for this exciting day!

Learning Outcomes for an Action-Packed Day!

  • Participants will learn powerful techniques for games and activities as practice tools in the workstations, classroom management of the games and reinforcements of the content including number sense of whole numbers, fractions and decimals, along with algebraic thinking.
  • How to use visuals effectively in the elementary classroom. Visual tools in the elementary classroom engage and reinforce concepts. According to the Visual Teaching Alliance, approximately 65% of the population are visual learners and the brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text. Math needs to be visual. Kim will share how visuals will assist students during workstations.
  • Maximize time with productive math workstations that differentiate to meet the needs of every student.
  • Participants will learn how to organize classroom instructional minutes to maximize the time you spend on workstations to reach the intensity of the standards. The research states the most effective math programs engage students in 400-450 minutes each week on mathematics. Kim Sutton will model management for the minutes to be used in workstations.
  • Build strong mathematical language strategies through math workstations. Students will speak the academic language of mathematics through game playing. Kim will share assessment strategies for measuring math language.
  • Participants will construct student and teacher tools for mathematical content that is practiced with the included workstations. These tools include Concentration games to work on developing working memory in elementary students for long-term retention of content.
  • Emphasis will be placed on modeling multiple standards within each game.
  • Connections to children’s literature titles will help keep students engaged during the workstations.

Who Should Attend?

All K-5 Classroom Teachers, Resource Specialists, Curriculum Coordinators and Administrators should attend.

University Credit:

Earn Gradute-Level Professional Development Semester Units/Credits for your completion of a Creative Mathematics Workshop. Learn more at the Courses4Teachers website: https://courses4teachers.net/creative-mathematics/

What To Bring:

Scissors, marking pens, scotch tape, glue stick, stapler, hole punch and camera (optional).