Drill and Practice for Mathematical Fluency
Motivating & Meaningful Activities To Strengthen Your Mathematics Program
Do you struggle with motivating elementary students to know their basic facts? The teaching of intensive math content is often hampered by basic fact fluency! There are three steps on the road to fluency with basic facts:
- Teach for understanding with two models for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Teach the computational strategies.
- Practice, Practice, Practice!
Does your classroom have a plan for the five to nine minutes a day for practicing the basic facts? This intensive workshop for teachers K-5 will address how to achieve proficiency with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and motivate students to feel excited about achieving this goal.
Kim Sutton will share exciting methods to motivate students with whole class and small group instruction. These "ready to go" activities go beyond timed drill. Kim has created special math choice activities for drill and practice in small groups. She will share how to create a "we" approach to learning basic facts. You will learn how to manage "Drills that Thrill" students with organization and management strategies so minutes are not lost in the elementary classroom.
Come experience the motivating style of Kim Sutton as she shares practical strategies that differentiate instruction for math fact fluency!
What You Will Learn:
- How to teach two models for each operation.
- Strategies for the transition from manipulative understanding to fluency of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.
- Dynamic drills that build mathematical confidence and independence.
- How to use the appropriate "tools" to improve fluency with basic facts.
- Effective use and management of drill and practice activities.
- How to improve the "visual" aspect of your classroom.
- Exciting new games, songs and activities to motivate students to learn their facts.
- How to measure the success of your drill and practice program.
Who Should Attend?
All K-5 Classroom Teachers, Resource Specialists, Curriculum Coordinators and Administrators should attend.
Substitutions may be made at any time. All cancellations received the day of the seminar or afterwards are subject to a $15 service charge.
University Credit:
Earn Gradute-Level Professional Development Semester Units/Credits for your completion of a Creative Mathematics Workshop. Learn more at the Courses4Teachers website: https://courses4teachers.net/creative-mathematics/